Biology at Adams State University

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Meet Coleton Haight in this video

Biology is a science that examines the origin, diversity, structure, and internal processes of living organisms. Because of the breadth of this science, biologists tend to specialize in areas of specific interest or at a particular level of biological organization. This diversity is reflected in the training of the faculty and the course offerings in the Department of Biology, and provides students with a variety of study and career choices in biology.

Bachelor of Science

With areas of emphasis in

  • Cellular and Molecular
  • Organismal
  • Wildlife

with areas of emphasis in

Bachelor of Arts

  • Liberal Arts
  • Science Education

Pre-Health Programs

student in biology classThe Pre-Health Programs at Adams State University provide students the opportunity to explore their interests in a small college environment. These programs will prepare students for postgraduate health programs in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, optometry, pharmacy, physician assistant or physical therapy.

Biology Program Highlight


An herbarium is a collection of plant specimens that are carefully preserved and mounted on sheets of paper labeled with important information such as scientific nomenclature, description, date and location collected. Herbaria can be used to study plant taxonomy, geographic distributions and how they may change over time, and in some cases, genetic data can be generated from herbarium specimens. The Adams State Herbarium houses 8,000 specimens of mainly plants collected in Colorado and northern New Mexico. For more information or to request access to the collection, please contact Dr. Benita Brink.

Biology Program Outcomes

Graduates who apply get accepted into Graduate school
Graduates who apply get accepted into Medical school

The Biology curriculum at Adams State is focused on the progressive development of students both as biologists and, more generally, as scholars. During the first two years, the curriculum is highly structured beginning with the establishment of a general foundation in biology and chemistry in the first year and continuing with more rigorous and sophisticated coverage in the Intermediate Block courses taken during the second year.

Health Professions Advisory Committee

Health Professions Advisory Committee offers services to students preparing to apply to health-related programs.

Medical Technology
Pre-Physician’s Assistant
Pre-Physical Therapy
Pre-Veterinary Medicine

Careers in Biology

Prepare for careers in private industry, natural resource management, or prepare to continue your education in graduate programs or professional schools.

Natural Resource Management
Physician’s assistant
Genetic counseling
Physical therapy
Science education

molecular biology lab

Genomics Education Partnership

Opportunities for our undergraduates to participate in large-scale research.

Biology Program Faculty

Benita Brink, Ph.D.
Department Chair and Professor of Biology
David Bertolatus, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biology
Judy St. John, Ph.D.
Visiting Associate Professor of Biology
AdamsState-ChristopherSchwinghamer-Fall2023-0002 (1)
Chris Schwinghamer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biology
AdamsState-JoyFerenbaugh-Fall2023 (1)
Joy Ferenbaugh, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biology