Program Goal One

To develop graduates with an understanding of the multiple sectors of the food system, their history and interactions.

Student Learning Outcomes:
  1. To be able to articulate the sociological and cultural aspects of food
  2. To be able to describe the historical context of the current food system
  3. To be able to identify the inequities within the food system and their implications
  4. To be able to assess the health, social, and environmental consequences of the food system

Program Goal Two

To develop graduates with the skills required for a variety of food related careers.

Student Learning Outcomes:
  1. To possess business management skills relevant to nonprofits, entrepreneurship, government, and farming
  2. To be able to implement garden planning and management, including sustainable and innovative farming techniques
  3. To be able to conduct healthy food preparation, including seasonal recipe development, preservation, food safety and handling.
  4. To be able to communicate effectively in a variety of settings, including networking, public speaking, education, and media.