Sub Award

Title V for Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) awarded a five year grant for a cooperative project led by University of New Mexico -Taos, “UNIDOS: Building Pathways to Access and Opportunity for the Upper Rio Grande Region.” New Mexico Highlands University and Adams State University are the other partners in the project; all three universities are HSIs.

The Title V Project will build upon the strengths of all three HSI’s to address barriers of geography, distance, and under-funded K-16 educational systems – all of which prevent the region’s communities and residents from accessing quality post-secondary opportunities.

The goals of the grant

  • Increase enrollment and success of Hispanic and other students at all three institutions.
  • Increase in the number of distance education courses (online and ITV) available to students across norther New Mexico, and increases in the capacity of faculty to develop distance education course and teach effectively in distance modes.
  • Increase in the retention, success and graduation rates of students at all three institutions via implementation of effective academic services and other retention strategies.

Adams State will receive $841,470, divided fairly equally over the grant period. The grant will fund a full-time designer/trainer in distance pedagogy, a new lecture capture system and other distance technology upgrades, professional development for faculty in distance pedagogy, online degree development, and other collaborative efforts. Inter-library loan and other digital library services will also be improved.