Welcome to the Blackboard faculty support page. This page contains a combination of PDF documents and videos with how to instructions for the course tools and tips and tricks pertaining to Blackboard. Click on the hyperlink corresponding to the file or video you wish to view then select the play arrow. If you are unable to open the PDF files, ensure that you have a PDF viewer, such as Adobe Reader, installed on your computer. If you are having trouble viewing the videos, please let us know. As always, if you have any questions, please contact the Academic Instructional Technology Center at asaitc@adams.edu or 719-587-7371.

HyFlex Faculty Resources

Understanding & Building Your Course

Working in the Course Environment

Building Course Content

Reporting and Course Utilities

Blackboard Ally

Communicating and Collaborating






Using Collaborate Ultra

Using Kaltura

Assessing Learners


Blackboard Outcomes

Tests, Surveys, & Pools

Grade Center

Student Performance

Turnitin Assignments

If you will be using Turnitin.com rather than within Blackboard and do not yet have an account, please contact AITC at ascaitc@adams.edu to have an account created for you.

Blackboard ePortfolio

Honorlock Help

And More…

  1. New Tools in Bb 9 (PDF)
  2. Beginning of Semester Checklist (PDF)
  3. End of Semester Checklist (PDF)
  4. Opting in to BlackBoard Connect (PDF)
  5. Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity in Online Education

Tips & Tricks
