Bachelor Degrees

All requirements for the distance degree program are the same as those for the same degree on campus. Prison Education Program (PEP) students are subject to all Adams State policies, deadlines and graduation requirements, except where noted.

  • You will be required to complete 30 Adams State University semester credits which may be met by completing approved Adams State Distance Learning courses listed on the website or other publications.
  • Course credits earned through the distance degree program are entered on the student record without distinction between on-campus and off campus courses.
  • Adams State credits earned in off-campus courses are considered to be the same as those earned in on-campus courses for the purpose of meeting residency or other requirements in degree programs of the institution.

Degree Programs

  • Sociology – BA with emphasis Criminology & Social Work
  • Business Administration – BA or BS in General Business
  • Interdisciplinary Studies – BA with flexible emphasis option

Total credit hours required for graduation: 120 Credits

Apply for a Bachelor Degree