A Brief Tour of Flatland will be topic of Faculty Lecture

Adams State University Dr. Meredith Anderson, assistant professor of mathematics, invites you to join her on a jaunt through one of geometry’s friendlier precincts, Edwin Abbott’s Flatland, which will serve as a jumping-off point for an intuitive look at important ideas like dimension and shape. Her Faculty Lecture, A Brief Tour of Flatland, begins at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 2, in Porter Hall room 130.

Let us see, with the help of Abbott’s charming toy model, how an understanding of such things as the shape of our universe and other dimensions can be arrived at. We will pay special attention to how one’s understanding of their immediate vicinity can actually be used to gain a good understanding of the larger space in which they live, and hopefully those in attendance will have a good sense of the utility and importance of this modern geometric idea known otherwise as topology.

All ASU Faculty Lectures in the series are free and open to the public. Complimentary light refreshments will be offered. For further information on the series of lectures, contact Dr. Kristy Duran, associate professor of biology, at 719-587-7767, or klduran@adams.edu, or Dr. Courtney Allen, assistant professor of counselor education, at 719-587-7888 or courtneyallen@adams.edu.