Adams State Fall classes begin August 22

Register for the Adams State University fall semester and qualify for Guaranteed Tuition. Classes begin August 22.

Adams State’s new Guaranteed Tuition program goes into effect in the fall 2016 semester. It guarantees no tuition increases through fourth consecutive academic years of enrollment to all undergraduate students enrolled in on-campus classes. Adams State is the first institution in Colorado to offer guaranteed tuition to on-campus undergraduates.

Students can also save money through Adams State’s full-time tuition window, which charges a flat rate for 12 to 20 credits a semester. This provides incentive to complete at least 15 credits a semester, which is necessary to graduate within four years.

Tuition for continuing students guaranteed based on original term of entry or number of remaining credits towards degree completion.

Students interested in starting or returning to Adams State can apply now at Apply. Students can speak to an admissions counselor by calling 719-587-8146 or visiting the Welcome Center on the first floor of Richardson Hall.

A listing of courses available may be found by visiting One Stop Student Services and clicking on the “Class Schedule” link, located under the “Academic Resources” menu.