Adams State Foundation recognizes donors and students

The Adams State University Foundation’s Donor and Student Recognition Dinner, held Nov. 4 on campus, honored Adams State supporters and allowed scholarship recipients to express appreciation to donors.

The Foundation’s Willis Fassett Jr. Award was presented to El Pomar Foundation for its years of support, particularly for the Adams State Nursing Scholarship. In addition, the Grizzly Club honored Corporate Sponsor of the Year, the Valley Courier, and Individual Sponsors of the Year, Bea and Faustin Martinez.

Katy Francis, a senior agriculture-business major from Monte Vista, spoke on behalf of all students who receive scholarships. She said she is not just another face in the crowd at Adams State. "Donors like you are why I can call Adams State home. You support Adams State and, in turn, all of us."

Award recipients’ heartfelt remarks reflected their passionate belief that Adams State is an institution that helps thousands of students realize their academic and personal goals and prepares them for a successful future.

El Pomar’s Adams State Nursing Scholarship provides $111,000 a year for students who intend to practice long-term in the San Luis Valley. To date, 39 BSN students and 15 advanced degree seekers have received the award. Rob Hilbert, El Pomar chief financial officer and life trustee, and Cathy Robbins, senior vice president, accepted the award. Hilbert recognized the El Pomar San Luis Valley Regional Council, saying, "We respect their judgement immensely."

Keith Cerny, Valley Courier publisher, said, "We support the Grizzly Club, because it supports Adams State."

Faustin and Bea Martinez have supported student-athletes by attending games throughout their long relationship with Adams State. "I can’t imagine a better way to spend a Saturday afternoon or Friday evening," said Bea, a 1976 Adams State graduate and 39-year employee.