Adams State University is conducting a needs assessment survey to support regional opportunities in the hemp industry.

Adams State faculty are interested in developing education and training opportunities to meet the needs of the hemp industry in the San Luis Valley and southern Colorado.

The needs assessment survey,, asks individuals and businesses working in the hemp industry the type of support they need, whether it’s financial support, marketing support, understanding Colorado’s regulatory framework for the industry, or other ways Adams State can support the hemp industry through education and training.

Adams State faculty participating in the effort include Zena Buser, Ph.D., professor of business; Frank Novotny, Ph.D., professor of chemistry; Colleen Schaffner, Ph.D., professor of psychology; and Rio de la Vista, director of the Salazar Rio Grande del Norte Center at Adams State.

The brief survey can be found here:

Adams State requests the survey be filled out no later than Nov. 22, 2019.