Adams State Theatre presents Thom Pain

Mason Harvey is Thom Pain

The Adams State University Theatre production Thom Pain (based on nothing) will feature Mason Harvey. The one man show, by Will Eno, will have two performances: 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 7 and 2 p.m. Sunday, April 8, in the Xperimental Theatre. "Once I found the script online, I really loved it," Harvey said.

The contemporary play is set on stage. "Thom talks about his life, starting with his childhood and the emotional trauma he experienced at age thirteen when his pet dies. His story includes how he felt without anyone to help him cope with the loss," Harvey said.

The story continues through Pain’s life including growing up, falling in love, and getting jobs. "It is a collective experience about how we deal and react to experiences," Harvey added. "The play encourages audiences to consider how they deal with issues and how people interact and how experiences can suddenly vanish."

Harvey said his passion is acting. "I love acting. It is my biggest passion and I find such joy being on stage and in character and bringing that character to life." He worked with Jenna Neilsen, professor of theatre, to produce the one-act. "Jenna really gets me to think about the character and my objectives and motives for each specific thing I do. She really has brought out my potential as an actor."

The Adams State Theatre program has been a positive experience. "The theatre professors are very supportive and help you make the most of all your scenes and taught us the best way to analyze a play or character."

Harvey remembers his first lead role as Johnny in the Adams State Theatre production, The Outsiders, directed by Dr. John Taylor, professor and director of the theatre program. "I was able to shine. It was a great experience." Another favorite role was Roux in Marat/Sade, directed by Neilsen. "I really love being on stage and playing as a character and not thinking about what I should be doing but going off of the character’s impulses and entertaining the audiences."

From Durango, Colo., Harvey plans on moving to a metropolitan area to pursue his acting career. "My years at Adams State have helped me develop my confidence and improve my techniques for auditioning and on call-backs. I am much at preparing physically and mentally for a character."

For more information and tickets to Thom Pain, call 719-587-8499. Tickets prices are $9 general admission; $8 seniors and high school students, and free admission for ASU faculty, staff, and students.