American Debt subject of next Faculty Lecture

The United State government is 18 trillion dollars in debt – the Adams State University next Faculty Lecture "American Debt: Are We Maxed Out?," by Armando Valdez, assistant professor of business, begins at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 15, in Porter Hall room 130.

Is 18 trillion dollars too much, not enough, or just right? Yes, the United States government is 18 trillion dollars in debt. Yet, what does that really mean for a society that produces almost 18 trillion dollars in goods and services? This lecture will examine the debt of the United States government and offer insight into who exactly holds most of that debt, why there so much debt, aspects of whether this debt is manageable for the United States, and how the national debt plays a role in our overall economy. Controversial, misunderstood, and much-debated, the U.S national debt is a relevant topic and this lecture will add at least one more perspective to the conversation.

All talks are free and the public is invited. Complimentary light refreshments will be offered. For further information on the series of lectures, contact Dr. Kristy Duran, assistant professor of biology, at 719-587-7767, or