The Adams State University Foundation will conduct its annual Phonathon fundraiser beginning February 10 through March 13. Adams State alumni will receive a phone call from a student or fellow grad requesting support for the Adams State University Foundation, according to Wes DeVaul ’23, Manager of Operations and Annual Giving.
A group of about a dozen current students will make Phonathon calls between 3 and 7 p.m. MST, Monday through Thursday, as well as from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sundays.
“The phonathon is part of our Annual Fund, which also includes three mailings a year to alumni,” said Tammy Lopez, Executive Director off the Adams State University Foundation. “While donors may restrict their gifts to a specific project, our objective is to raise unrestricted dollars to direct to the areas of most need. This could be student scholarships, work-study support, or operations.”