Following the 2023 fall commencement, Stephanie Atkins won’t have to travel far for her next job. In fact, she starts as the inaugural care coordinator at Adams State in August.

A joint venture between Adams State, SLV Health, and Valley Wide Health Systems, the care coordinator will help students access local and affordable health care based on their individual needs.

“We aim to meet our students’ academic, mental health, social and emotional, and food insecurity needs,” noted Heidi Schneider, Ph.D., inclusive excellence liaison and faculty sponsor of the initiative. “The University recognizes the importance of healthcare for our students’ overall well-being; we also understand navigating the health care system can be overwhelming and a bit scary for some students. Stephanie will be a tremendous asset in bridging the gaps.”

Stephanie Atkins
Stephanie Atkins

For Atkins this role is not new; she assisted and supported customers with the San Luis Behavioral Health Group for seven years while pursuing her associate degree at Adams State.

“Being a first-generation, non-traditional student and wanting to help people first, especially students, was incredibly important to me,” added Atkins. “The ‘care’ component of the title isn’t lost on me and shouldn’t be by anyone in the community. I grew up in Monte Vista and understand the healthcare needs in the San Luis Valley; I’m excited to get started.”

Atkins lives in Alamosa with her husband, Larry, and children Jaleysia, Alejandro, Michael, and Xylina.

A University Innovation Grant was also submitted by Dr. Schneider to outfit space in the Student Union Building (SUB) into a Student Health and Wellness Center. The Center, on the first floor, will be open prior to the fall semester with Atkins available 20 hours-per-week to assist students with scheduling appointments at local clinics or specialized services, assist with required medical related paperwork, and/or accessing health care.

The position is funded by Valley Wide Health Systems.