Register now for fall 2016 STEM Saturdays

Dr. Comfort Cover will lead a STEM Saturday on programming NAO robots.

The Adams State University Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Saturdays begin October 1. These free interactive sessions will stimulate imagination and curiosity of students.

All sessions are designed with specific grade-level, developmentally appropriate lessons in mind. Registration is required for the sessions.

Sessions are scheduled from 9 a.m. until noon. Enrollment is limited.

October 1
3D Printing
Dr. Chris Adams, associate professor of chemistry
Grades 6-8
Enrollment cap is 6

October 8
Lego Robots
Dr. Matt Nehring, professor of physics
Grades 4-6
Enrollment cap is 14

October 15
To Infinity and Beyond
Dr. Meredith Anderson, assistant professor of mathematics
Grades 6-8
Enrollment is 16

November 5
Fun with Plants
Dr. Kristy Duran, associate professor of biology
Grades 2-4
Enrollment is 16

November 12
Robotic (NAO Robot)
Dr. Comfort Cover, assistant professor of computer science
Grades 6-9
Enrollment is 15

November 19
Fingerprints and Fibers
Dr. Renee Beeton, associate professor of chemistry
Grades 8-10
Enrollment cap is 16

Registration for all sessions is required. Once registered, participants will receive the location of session and any other pertinent information. Only parent/guardian authorized registrations will be accepted. Session registrations are limited to 2 sessions per student. No cost to participants.

Workshop Information:

3D Printing: In the past couple of years 3D printing has emerged as an exciting technology that allows the user to bring their creations to fruition in a matter of hours. Using the same plastic used in Lego, designs can be brought from the digital world to life layer by layer. In this STEM Saturday participants will learn how 3D printers work, how to operate a 3D printer, and will have the opportunity to print a design chosen from a vast open-source database of cool creations.

Lego Robots: In this three-hour workshop, participants will begin by watching a 30-minute program at ASU’s Zacheis Planetarium titled Robot Explorers. At the conclusion of the planetarium show, we will return to Porter Hall where students will learn about robots, modify and construct robots, and learn how to create efficient computer programs that will control robots. During this experience we will consider some of the challenges that NASA engineers are confronted by when they develop robotic missions for exploring the solar system.

To Infinity and Beyond: What is infinity? How big is infinity anyway? Are there different sizes of infinity? In this session participants will do activities that teach us more about infinity and discover some surprising places that infinity pops up.

Fun with Plants: Participants will explore the ins and outs of plants, how they make food, grow, and move!

Robotic (NAO Robot): Learn how to program the NAO Robot. Participants will use CHOREOGRAPHE to program the NAO Robot and make it move, play music, dance, talk, and many other activities. Bring a cell phone to take pictures of what you program the robot to do.

Fingerprints and Fibers: Participants will use forensic chemistry techniques to examine and identify two common types of evidence left behind at a crime scene: fingerprints and fibers.

For more information or a reservation form, contact Simona Guillen, STEM activity coordinator, at 719-587-7586 or