Adams State University students now have help navigating healthcare. The Adams State University grand opening of the Student Health and Wellness Resource Center was September 6. The project is a collaborative effort between Adams State, Valley Wide Health Systems, Inc., and San Luis Valley Health (SLVH).

David Tandberg, Adams State mascot Russet
President David Tandberg, Ph.D., and Russet welcome everyone to the grand opening.


Lacrecia Smith, Donna Wehe, Stephanie Atkins, Adams State Mascot Russet
SLVH Care Coordinator Supervisor Lacrecia Smith; SLVH Director of Communications Donna Wehe; and Health Care Coordinator Stephanie Atkins hold the ribbon while Russet officially opens the Adams State Student Health and Wellness Resource Center.


Heidi Schneider, Adams State Mascot Russet
Heidi Schneider, Ph.D., inclusive excellence liaison and faculty sponsor of the initiative; and Russet celebrate the grand opening .