Adams State RISE Student Expo

Working together in deep concentration students from seven school districts across the San Luis Valley build structures out of marshmallows and sticks as part of an ice breaker to begin the 2022 RISE Student Expo on Wednesday, May 4, in the Adams State University Student Union Building.

Adams State RISE Student ExpoAccording to coordinator Renae Haslett, Adams State Extended Studies program director and RISE (Response, Innovation, Student, Equity) grant director, the fund supports high-needs school districts, charter schools, and public institutions of higher education to address the learning challenges related to the economic, social, and health impacts of COVID-19 in a manner that creates sustainable innovations that improve student learning, close equity gaps, and enhance operational efficiency for pre-K-12 through higher education.

Adams State RISE Student Expo
Students presented business ideas to a “Shark Tank” panel of local business people and individual students also had the opportunity to connect with small business owners, who shared their expertise.

The expo included all seven of the partner school districts. “Students spent the day engaged in learning and fun as they explored effective ways to create a business pitch,” Haslett said.

The RISE grant was awarded in July of 2021 by Colorado Governor Jarod Polis and created partnerships between Adams State, the SLV Boys and Girls Club and seven San Luis Valley school districts: Alamosa, Monte Vista, South Conejos, Mountain Valley, Sierra Grande, Sargent and Center. The program offers concurrent enrollment courses, work-based learning experiences and education as well as internships for high school students.