Empowering women and all who have face oppression, the Adams State University Women’s Week has organized a variety of events to celebrate women and continue to raise awareness regarding continued challenges.

Women’s Week co-organizer Natasha Liebig, Ph.D. visiting assistant professor of philosophy, invites campus and community members to make a mark on the Wall of Oppression from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. until March 8. Students, faculty, staff, and community members paint a word or small phrase, which made them feel oppressed, on the cinder block wall. “At the end of the week, we will tear the wall down,” Liebig said.

students paint on cinder block for wall of oppressionThe Wall of Oppression, located by the Japanese/American Memorial Garden symbolizes how words and hate messages can harm individuals and groups. On International Women’s Day, a ceremony to tear down the wall begins at 1 p.m. Friday, March 8. “We will speak about the symbolism of tearing down the wall to communicate how we will not remain silent, we will stand up to hate speech, and we will be an advocate of inclusivity and an ally to groups targeted with hate speech.”

Before destroying the Wall of Oppression, Liebig will present a free public lecture, Don’t Be a Pussy at noon, in McDaniel Hall 101, pizza will be provided.

The Sixth Annual Adams State University Women’s Week includes a Nielsen Library display on women authors, a movie night, women’s empowerment night at Rex Activity Center, an auto care workshop, debates, additional presentations, and an open mic night. For a complete schedule of events visit Women’s Week.