We encourage all faculty/staff members to take advantage of Career Services, by having us present to your classes on the services that we provide or by encouraging your students to attend our scheduled workshops, and career events such as the Local Job Fair, Etiquette Dinner, and Career Fair.

Overall the purpose of college is to help students find a career path that will lead to a successful, happy future. In other words, a job. Students who use career services can plan student loan and borrowing based on future income, explore career opportunities during and after college and learn how to become the best possible marketable job candidates.

A Career Services member can present career and employment related topics to your class. These topics might include:

  • Using the Adams State Career Services Office
  • Preparing for the job search process
  • How to research potential employers
  • Developing resume/cover letters that get interviews
  • Completing employment applications
  • Dressing for success
  • Job interview techniques and strategies for success
  • Changing jobs or careers
  • The values of the cooperative education experience
  • The dangers and potential benefits of social media
  • Creating and maintaining an effective brand for yourself
  • Additional topics

If you are interested in having us present in anyone of your classes please contact Career Services at 719-587-8336 or email careerservices@adams.edu

Please note: A minimum of a two weeks’ notice is required.