Graduate Non-Degree Application Form

Used for graduate non-degree seeking students who wish to take classes (up to 12 credit hours) without first being admitted to a graduate program. Students must have a completed bachelor’s degree to take courses as non-degree seeking at the graduate level and submit conferred bachelor’s degree official transcripts to apply. Students who enroll as non-degree seeking students are not eligible for financial aid. Enrollment in graduate level coursework as a non-degree student is on a space available basis and requires departmental approval prior to course registration. The non-degree application has to be completed before each semester. If approved after the completion of the application and approval, you will receive student account set-up information to enroll/register in your intended courses. Graduate courses in Counselor Education are not available to non-degree seeking students.

Graduate Re-Admission Application Form

For students that have been admitted to a graduate program, but did not take classes within the past three consecutive semesters:

Graduate Student Research & Travel Funding Proposal/Application


Proposal/Application for active degree-, licensure-, endorsement-, and/or certificate seeking Adams State University graduate students to help offset expenses directly related to research (e.g. supplies, software, research-related training, etc.) and/or professional development travel.

Funding Information:

Funding is not guaranteed from proposal/application submission and will be reviewed by the application committee representing all graduate programs. Variable award amounts with maximum of $500 per award per student and up to $1,000 maximum awarded during each fiscal year funding cycle (July 1-June 30) per student (i.e. students can apply twice in a funding cycle for up to $500 each). Funding is based on a maximum total available across all programs annually from the Office of Graduate Studies that is determined every funding cycle on percentage of overall Office of Graduate Studies budget. Funding will be made according to egalitarian principles maximizing the number of students who receive the awards while also prioritizing the quality. Graduate students may apply multiple times if previous applications were not awarded. Unused funds do not roll-over past the end date of the award and are not available for use after the award end date listed in the award notification. All funding must be used and allocated in the funding cycle (July 1 – June 30). Funding may or may not be granted for retroactive payments at discretion of the application committee. Any professional development travel funds can be used towards conference registration, parking fees, food per diem based on location, hotel, baggage, airfare, and/or mileage.

Timelines for funding cycle:

Fall Semesters
  • Proposal/Application opens: August 1
  • Proposal/Application closes: September 1
  • Awarded: September 15

Spring Semesters

  • Proposal/Application opens: January 1
  • Proposal/Application closes: February 1
  • Awarded: February 15

Graduate Student Research & Travel Funding Proposal/Application

Additional Graduate Forms