Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requires all officially admitted degree-seeking students, enrolled in courses applicable to an eligible program of study at Adams State University, to maintain progress to degree completion.
Undergraduate SAP Policy: 100-11-15 Satisfactory Academic Progress
Graduate SAP Policy: 150-11-15 Satisfactory Academic Progress
SAP Appeal
There are three components to SAP:
- Cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 for undergraduates and 3.0 for graduates
- Pace calculation of at least 67%. Pace is calculated by dividing the number of overall credit hours earned (passed) by the total number of credit hours attempted. For example, a student who has attempted 100 credit hours and has passed 75 of them would have a Pace of 75% and would meet the Pace requirement.
- Maximum time frame of 150%. Students must complete courses for their degree program within 150% of the minimum graduation requirement for their degree program. This is 90 credit hours (max) for Associate’s degrees (60 credit hours) and 180 credit hours (max) for Bachelor’s degrees (120 credit hours). Graduate degree programs vary in credit hour length.
When is SAP Evaluated?
All students will be evaluated each (fall, spring, and summer) term, regardless of whether they receive a financial aid offer. Payment periods attended when a student does not receive financial aid will be counted toward Maximum time frame.
SAP statuses for financial aid are:
- OK-eligible for financial aid
- PRB-either first semester failing SAP requirements OR an approved appeal on file
- SUSP-second or subsequent semester failing SAP requirements or failure to complete requirements of academic plan, no approved appeal on file
- SLFPAY-three consecutive semesters of failing SAP requirements OR denied SAP appeal
- MAX-Maximum Time Frame credits exceeds 150% of degree requirements
How credits are included in GPA, Pace, and Maximum Time Frame
All credits earned at Adams State University and accepted transfer credits are included in the Pace calculation, except as defined below.
Transfer credits are included in the calculation of Pace and are considered attempted hours toward Maximum time frame. Transfer credits are not included in GPA calculation.
Repeat courses are included in both Pace and GPA calculations, except when a student has applied to have a repeated course grade excluded from calculation. In this case, the most recent grade is included in the GPA calculation and excluded from Pace calculation. Repeat courses are considered attempted hours toward Maximum time frame.
Incomplete courses and courses from which a student has withdrawn after census are counted in the Pace calculation but excluded from the GPA calculation. Incompletes and withdrawals are considered attempted hours toward Maximum time frame.
All courses from which a student withdraws prior to census will not be included in any SAP calculations. All courses from which a student withdraws after census will be included in Pace and Maximum time frame calculations as attempted credits
If the SAP Appeal is approved, the Academic Plan becomes the student’s new, individual SAP Standards. These requirements will be rigorous in order to help the student meet the three policy SAP standards again, and the student is expected to work closely with their Academic Advisor to this end. If the SAP appeal is denied or if at any point the student fails to meet the requirements of their individualized SAP Standards, they will be placed on SELFPAY with no option for appeal. The student may pay out of pocket for courses to regain financial aid eligibility.
Policies for Additional and/or Special Circumstances
Upon completion of an undergraduate degree program, students will begin a new SAP status of OK upon entering a graduate program.
SAP status does not change or start over when a student changes to a new major. The entire academic record is considered when determining SAP status.
Students pursuing a second Bachelor’s degree are evaluated based on the Undergraduate SAP policy.
Students on financial aid PRB, SUSP, or SLFPAY who have a grade changed are responsible for notifying the Financial Aid Office to have their SAP status re-evaluated on a case-by-case basis. SAP status will not be automatically re-evaluated. If a grade change results in a change in SAP status, the new status must be manually entered by a financial aid administrator.
Students who have exceeded the Maximum time frame allowed may submit a SAP appeal for consideration to extend their financial aid eligibility. Factors such as the excessive transfer credits from other institutions, returning to the university after an extended absence, completing multiple degree programs concurrently, and the amount of remaining credits to degree completion may be considered when determining additional eligibility.
If at any point during a student’s degree program a review determines that the student cannot complete their program of study within SAP requirements, all financial aid eligibility will cease.
How Do I Appeal?
Students who do not meet the minimum SAP requirements for the first time will be placed on a financial aid PRB status and become ineligible for financial aid.
A student who has become ineligible for financial aid may submit a SAP appeal to the Financial Aid Office based on extenuating circumstances outside of the student’s control. These circumstances include, but are not limited to:
- Death of a family member, close relative, or friend
- Effects of physical or mental illness
- Major medical issue experienced by student or immediate family member
- Car accident
- Divorce or separation from a spouse
- Military deployment of student or student’s spouse
The SAP appeal is due 30 days after the first day of classes of each semester. Late submission of an appeal will result in cancellation of a student’s financial aid. An appeal form must be submitted online at this link or the appeal form link at the top of this page and is to include the following:
- A description of the special, unusual, or extenuating circumstances that prevented the student from meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress.
- A statement describing what has changed in the student’s situation that will allow the student to show Satisfactory Academic Progress at the end of the next evaluation period.
- Documentation from a third party attesting to the circumstance described by the student.
The financial aid SAP Coordinator will review each appeal in a timely manner. Additional information may be requested or required from the student or the student’s academic advisor.
The Financial Aid Office will make the final determination on all SAP appeals. Students will be notified individually of the outcome of their appeal via email.
- Approved appeals will move to PRB status and the student will receive specific individualized information regarding their current GPA, pace, academic expectations, and time frame to meet SAP requirements.
- Denied appeals will move to SLFPAY status.