Part Time Employment

Welcome to the Adams State University team!

Before you begin your part-time employment with Adams State University, the hiring process will begin with your hiring documents.

Required documents:

W-4 Form

I-9 Formacceptable supporting documents

PERA Form – The PERA form is required even if you are currently or previously worked for a PERA covered employer

Social security card for payroll purposes

Background Check Authorization – (specific positions only)

Once these documents along with your contract request from the department has been approved and been received by Human resources your contract will be generated.

Be sure you have signed a contract and have returned it to the Payroll Office, Richardson Hall, Suite 3-302. You will not be paid until the signed contract and any required paperwork is submitted. If you are retired from Colorado PERA, please notify the Payroll office at 719-587-7739.

Adams State is required to comply with the Immigration and Control Act of 1986.  New employees must provide proof of identity and eligibility to work.

If you elect to receive a physical check, it available for pickup on the last working day of each month in the Accounting and Finance Office, Richardson Hall, Suite 3-300, or mailed to your W-2 address on the third working day of the following month.

To be paid in any given month, your signed contract and paperwork must be received in the Payroll office prior to the 10th of that month.